The Upper Peninsula Arts and Culture Alliance is proud to publish the findings of Arts & Economic Prosperity 6 (2023). The study found well over $42 million in arts and culture event-related spending and arts and culture nonprofit organizations in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. The study found a significant impact in food and beverage, lodging, and retail associated with attendance at events. The study also revealed that nearly half of spending came from tourism fueled by arts events. Read the full study below:
The results and methods for Arts & Economic Prosperity 6 in the Upper Peninsula are available as a presentation that can be brought to your organization, group, or event either in person or as a webinar. If you are interested in scheduling an informational presentation on the study, contact Sue Roll at
AEP6 is the sixth economic impact study of the nonprofit arts and culture industry in the U.S. This study is conducted approximately every five years to gauge the economic impact (on employment, government revenue, and household income) of spending by nonprofit arts and culture organizations and the event-related spending by their audiences.
Previous studies were published in 1994, 2002, 2007, 2012, and 2017. (Due to the unique nature of the realities of the global COVID-19 pandemic, the AEP6 study was postponed for 16 months.)
In 2017, the previous study, AEP5, documented that the nonprofit arts and culture industry generated $166.3 billion in economic activity (spending by organizations plus the event-related spending by their audiences) which supported 4.6 million jobs and generated $27.5 billion in government revenue. The AEP series demonstrates that an investment in the arts provides both cultural and economic benefits.