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Grant Guidelines


ROUND TWO funding for FY2024 is closed.

If you received a mini grant for FY2024, please see below for reporting instructions.

Grant seekers for FY2025, note that starting this year, MACC will now use a simplified application for all grants, a reduced cash match requirement, a new evaluation process, and will eliminate application fees. Grant applications for this year will be due on July 24, 2024.

The FY 2024 Minigrant Program was administered locally through MACC Regional Regranting partners. The Alliance will continue to oversee final reporting for Region 1a (Western UP) and 1b (Central UP) until October 30, 2024.

Final Reports are due 30 days after the completion of the project, or by October 30, 2024, whichever comes sooner.

Project Minigrant Final Report Instructions

POD Final Report Instructions


Recipients should acknowledge Michigan Arts & Culture Council support as part of the contract. As a Grantee you must prominently display the MACC name and logo in printed materials associated with the grant and to include support credit in each broadcast promotion. We also recommend displaying the Upper Peninsula Arts & Culture Alliance Logo on all promotional materials related to your grant project.

Upper Peninsula Arts and Culture Alliance